- Composing formulars and conducting them is free of charge.
- You can try answering your formular and see how you receive data to your e-mail and how they are saved to data files, for free.
- Number of responses, that datafiles can receive, is unlimited.
- Seeing responses and saving them becomes gainful from 10.respondent.
Prices including 20% Estonian VAT.
| Base package: |
| 1...10 respondents | free
| 11...100 respondents | 9.00 €
| 11...1 000 respondents | 19.00 €
| 11...10 000 respondents | 36.00 €
| Additional package: |
| 100 respondents for base package | 9.00 €
| Digisigned answer | 0.7 €
| |
How can I pay?
- On the page "My eFormulars", next to each formular, is a reference [pay].
- After clicking the reference, you can select a suitable package.
- Then you can enter information about the company/organization, to whom the invoice will be directed to.
- After confirming your order, you can print your invoice in PDF and transmit it to your accountant or pay immediately using banklink.
Seeing and saving responses will be enabled immediately after your successful payment through banklink. In case you do not use banklink, using responses will be available the next day at midday, after successful payment.
You can pay before (in that case you can see your responses in real time) or after conducting your eFormular. Data will be received anyway, even if you have not paid yet.